KtiSys Model Builder provides a cost effective rapid prototyping
environment for system engineering analysis and software development.
KtiSys Model Builder is a data flow graphical programming
language tool. KtiSys Model Builder provides all the software tools
necessary to build dynamic models and convert them into real-time
embedded software. KtiSys Model Builder also allows you to share
your models with others through the KtiSys Library.
KtiSys Model Builder harnesses the power of an open
source toolset for real-time embedded systems called Gene-Auto.
Gene-Auto takes as input the high-level graphical model from KtiSys
and produces C code as output. KtiSys provides additional driver
code to allow the generated code to connect a plant and controller
model together with the BeagleBone Black using an ESDP Cape.
The site currently works with Mozilla Firefox, Google
Chrome, and Internet Explorer web browsers. Please report any issues
to dbiglari@arkitrol.com.
Change Log
KtiSys Model Builder version 1.0.06172015
Added Copy/Paste for single block (7/12/2015)
Added C function block (7/4/2015)
Added terminator block (7/3/2015)
Integrated KtiSys Model Builder with Ktium Website Login (6/27/2015)
Added .m constant file support (6/16/2015)
Added block resize and color support (6/15/2015)
Added Raspberry PI and Raspberry PI 2 support! (6/8/2015)
Added PRU Block (6/8/2015)
Added BBB image version (6/5/2015)
Added ability to see GeneAuto output and Makefile output on Beaglebone Black after upload, requires 05-14-2015 image or newer (5/14/2015)
Added ability to see currently loaded program,requires 05-14-2015 image or newer (5/14/2015)
Improved "Find Now" Speed under "Run Model" for USB connected devices (5/13/2015)
Added ADS7828 Inport (5/12/2015)
Added DAC6573 Outport (5/11/2015)
Added USB mode data communications to plant and controller (5/2/2015)
Added Relational Operator (5/1/2015)
Added LAN IP Range Scan and IP Range Finder (4/30/2015)
Added Switch block (4/30/2015)
Added Change Log (4/30/2015)
Added Data Conversion block (4/29/2015)
Added Divide block (4/29/2015)
Added Scopes Graph Display (4/25/2015)
Added KtiSys Library (4/25/2015)
Added Beaglebone Black GPIO through Inport and Outport blocks (4/18/2015)
Added Beaglebone Black code upload, start and stop model (4/11/2015)
Added MDL Export and Code Generation (4/4/2015)
Added Save/Load(3/27/2015)
Added Gain, Unit Delay, Constant, Subsystem, Sum, Inport, Outport, Trigonometics Function, Product, Goto, From, Scope, Trigger, Enable, Mux, Demux (3/27/2015)